
English 1

pivot 中心 pivotal role

chronic 慢性的

cardiology 心臟病

vein 靜脈

cumbersome 麻煩的,笨重的

referral 被推薦人;(經介紹)轉診病人 , 推薦

compile 收集(資料) ex. compile information

general practitioner 全科醫師;普通醫師

mnemonic KK: [n]有助於記憶的;記憶的

pathology [] 病狀;病變

nursing 看護,

prognostic []前兆;預言 ;【醫】預後症狀

chronological  [] 依時間前後排列而記載的

chronic 長期的, (病)慢性的

complaint 疾病

reimbursement KK: []償還;退款

illegible 難讀的;難認的

sputum KK: [] 唾液 ; 痰

pathology 病理學家

dictation 口述;聽寫

disposal 處理;處置

inpatient 住院病人  ; outpatient 門診病人

indispensable necessary

concerted 一致的

stochastic 隨機的

quasi 半的 quasi-periodic


multidisciplinary 有關各種學問的; 包含各種科學的

clinical physician 臨床醫師

prophesy KK: []預兆

uncanny KK: []神奇的,不可思議的

ward 病房

clamor 大聲疾呼,吵鬧著要求[(+for)]

facile KK: [] 易使用的

efficacy KK: []效力,功效

eligibility KK: []合格 ;合適

rationale 基本原理




funding 資金

societal repercussion 社會反彈

fiscal 財政的;財務的

philosophers KK: []哲學家


KK: []【文】連接詞[C]結合;關聯;連接[C][U]


monolithic KK: []整體的

endeavor KK: []努力,盡力[C][U][+to-v]

veterinary KK: []獸醫

dermatology KK: []皮膚醫學

draw on 利用

multidisciplinary 有各種學問的






nonetheless 但是,雖然如此

in favor of 有利於...

ensue KK: []接著發生;接踵而來

ensuing KK: []接踵而至的

resonance KK: []共鳴;反響;【電】共振

capitation KK: [] 均攤;人頭稅;按人頭計算

curb 控制,遏止

recurring 循環的


accordingly 於是





reasoning 推論

complication 併發症

meticulous 小心翼翼的,一絲不苟的

arduous 困難的


diabetes  KK: []糖尿病


confound 使困惑

discrepancy 不一致

incidence 發生率


consensus 一致

accredited 公認的

disseminate 傳播,散佈

malady 疾病

contagion 傳染病



pragmatic 實務的

His illness ensued from malnutrition (因...而)產生[(+from)]


medical intervention 治療;醫治

ubiquity 無所不在

contingency 意外事故;偶然事件

discharge 清償,解除

antibiotic 【生】抗生的;抗菌的 【微】抗生素,抗菌素

contemplate 仔細思考

診斷評估表(Encounter Form)

treatment : a class of medications

referral 轉診

IND Investigational New Drug

grasp 理解

intervention 治療方式

ready for discharge 可以出院

inception 開始

plague 使苦惱

非專家的公眾(lay public

Insurance Reimbursement 保險理賠

mortality 死亡率

deficit 不足,赤字

disseminate 傳播

appraisal 評價

a handful of 少量 these fields


disguise 偽裝disguise herself as man,掩飾disguise your feeling

So, what's the big deal 有什麼大不了的

it's time for you to get a better idea of what it gets you.它給你帶來些什麼

drape 窗簾

tile 地磚

rundown 概要,扼要

sans 沒有

lounge 休息室,會客廳

handout 講義,新聞資料

indent 縮排

descendant usually means child, grandchild, great-grandchild.

It's a pleasure to have you here.

squeeze 擠,榨

transfusion 輸血

prophylactic treatment 預防治療




iatrogenic KK: []因醫生的診斷、態度或醫治而引起的

Performing checks in real time

Improve the effectiveness of clinical alarm systems

Reduce the risk of health care-acquired infections

pregnancy 懷孕

HRRM (High Risk Reminder and Monitor)

Reminding Type E-mail, Mobile phone short message

Reminding Domains

 1.Lab data results (19 extreme values)

 2.Radiology reports (life threatening)

 3.Pathology reports (life threatening)

 4.Culture reports (nosocomial infection)

Integrating EBM knowledge into CPOE

sensual 感官的

serum 血清

demographic KK: []人口統計學的


Pediatrics KK: []小兒科

intestine 腸

lesion 損傷,損害

renal 腎臟的

excretion 排泄,分泌

ambulatory 【醫】非臥床的;適宜下床走動的

prognostic KK: [] 預後的

efficacy []效力,功效

efficacious KK: []有效的

regimen  [] 食物療法;養生法

nominate 指定,任命,提名

reign 統治

attest 證實

disparity 不同,不等

assimilate 消化(食物),吸收(知識)

insurmountable 不能克服的

appraise 評價

angina KK: []咽喉痛;咽峽炎

arteritis KK: []動脈炎

rigorous 嚴密的,嚴厲的

cardiac KK: []心臟的

ensue KK: [] V.接踵而來 ensuing接踵而來的

dispel 消除,驅散

unearth 發現,發掘

sth is at our fingertips.

dyspnea KK: []呼吸困難

low-grade fever低燒

chill 風寒

productive cough 生痰的咳嗽

He has exerted all his strength. 用(力),盡(力),

He's been exerting his influence on his friend to change his decision. 運用

purulent KK: []化膿的,

sputum KK: []唾液,痰

lateral 側面的

prolongate 延長,拉長

wheeze 氣喘發出的聲音

pneumonia KK: []肺炎

mortuary KK: [] 停屍間

advent 到來 the advent of the www

disseminate 散播;宣傳

monograph KK: []專題論文

compelling 令人注目的;強制的

illicit 非法的

psychiatric 精神病學的

laggards  KK: [] <->leader


precursor 前兆,先驅

premise KK: []前提,假設

humiliation 丟臉;羞辱

distraction 分心的事物

vigilant  KK: [] 警惕的

ephemeral KK: [] 短暫的

jeopardize  KK: [] v.危及

We allowed a margin of twenty minutes in case the bus was late. 餘裕  a narrow margin of safety

potent 強有力的;有影響的

ambient 週遭的

(用於否定句)還(沒) The moon has not risen yet.

(用於疑問句)現在,已經 Has he finished the work yet?

untoward 不幸的

bungler's charter 笨拙者的特權

inebriated KK: [] 酒醉的

malfeasance KK: [] 違法行為,瀆職

pilot group 領導的群組,試驗性的群組

precaution 預防措施

voucher 收據

trouser 褲子

expedition guide 探險隊 領隊者

hunch 預感It seemed that the doctor's hunch had been right.

I had a hunch (that) you'd be back

opt 選擇v 
they instead opted to offer Clemens one more Minor League start at Triple-A.

the fatigued groin  nagged all week鼠蹊

nag 不斷引起苦惱 to worry or irritate you continuously  a feeling of unease nagged at her

shake get rid of 
Clemens apparently did not feel confident he would be able to shake the issue in time to face the White Sox.

hammer 'out sth

to discuss a plan, an idea, etc. until everyone agrees or a decision is made: to hammer out a compromise折衷方案.妥協

a bruised pride 受傷害的

dazed 暈眩的

The Red Sox erupted爆發 to regain the lead in a stunning five-run seventh inning

Roger clemens won't be arriving to lend a hand as soon as expected.

Mientkiewicz added a run-scoring single off Javier Lopez later in the inning to extend New York's lead.

gasp   to take a quick deep breath with your mouth open, especially because you are surprised or in pain:

[v] She gasped at the wonderful view. * They gasped in astonishment at the news.

lower half 下半身

prolong  extend: The operation could prolong his life by two or three years.

frigid very cold  frigid air

overcast cover with cloud  :
an overcast sky / day Today it will be dull and overcast.

propel to move, drive or push sth forward or in a particular direction:

to force sb to move in a particular direction or to get into a particular situation:Fury propelled her into action

extreme anger that often includes violent behaviour:syn rage: Her eyes blazed with fury.

having or showing hatred and a desire to harm sb or hurt their feelings syn malevolent, spiteful: malicious gossip / lies / rumours

umpire 裁判

taunt sb  try to provoke sb with scornful or critical remarks; jeer at sb


mock   to laugh at sb/sth in an unkind way, especially by copying what they say or do syn make fun of: [vn] He's always mocking my French accent.

hobble  KK: []

to walk with difficulty, especially because your feet or legs hurt syn limp: The old man hobbled 蹣跚行走across the road.

chorus KK: []合唱

skim (through / over) sth to read sth quickly in order to find a particular point or the main points: [v] He skimmed through the article trying to find his name.

martyr KK: []烈士

heritage the history, traditions and qualities that a country or society has had for many years and that are considered an important part of its character: Spain's rich cultural heritage  遺產


(for sb/sth) the feeling that sb/sth is not good enough to deserve your respect or attention syn contempt: to treat sb with disdain * a disdain for the law

sneer  (at sb/sth) to show that you have no respect for sb by the expression on your face or by the way you speak syn mock嘲笑

grunt  to make a short low sound in your throat, especially to show that you are in pain, annoyed or not interested;

發哼聲 He grunted in discontent.

naked  not wearing any clothes syn bare: a naked body * naked shoulders

mattress  床墊

obstetric  the branch of medicine concerned with the birth of children 產科的,生產的

assail  to attack sb violently, either physically or with words: * The proposal was assailed by the opposition party.

torment  extreme suffering, especially mental suffering; a person or thing that causes this syn anguish
KK: [] 痛苦

tormentor  a person who causes sb to suffer

retaliate  (against sb/sth)| ~ (by doing sth / with sth) to do sth harmful to sb because they have harmed you first syn take revenge: to retaliate against an attack

worldly  connected with the world in which we live rather than with spiritual things: worldly success * your worldly世間的.塵世的 goods (= the things that you own) opp spiritual 心靈的

blemish  a mark on the skin or on an object that spoils it and makes it look less beautiful or perfect: make-up to cover blemishes * (figurative) His reputation is without a blemish. 瑕疵.缺點,   v 使有瑕疵



lore  knowledge
and information related to a particular subject, especially when this
is not written down; the stories and traditions of a particular group
of people
: weather lore


lawn  ground (as around a house or in a garden or park) that is covered with grass and is kept mowed 草地

kinship 親屬關係 the quality or state of being kin 親屬

cleft  a space or opening made by or as if by splitting 裂縫 

midwife  a person who assists women in childbirth接生婆

confide  to have confidence : trust  to show confidence by imparting secrets <confide in a friend>
to communicate the knowledge of : disclose <imparted my scheme to no one>  透露


sluggish  a: markedly slow in movement, flow, or growth b: economically inactive or slow   averse厭惡的,不願意的 to activity or exertion : indolent; also : torpid

resurgent  undergoing or tending to produce resurgence復活者

veracity  devotion to the truth : truthfulness

brag  a pompous or boastful誇大的 statement

affliction  great suffering
a: to distress so severely as to cause persistent suffering or anguish <afflicted with arthritis> b: trouble, injure
synonyms afflict, try, torment, torture, rack mean to inflict on a person something that is hard to bear. afflict is a general term and applies to the causing of pain or suffering or of acute annoyance, embarrassment, or any distress <ills that afflict the elderly>. try suggests imposing something that strains the powers of endurance or of self-control <children often try their parents' patience>. torment suggests persecution or the repeated inflicting of suffering or annoyance <a horse tormented by flies>. torture adds the implication of causing unbearable pain or suffering <tortured by a sense of guilt>. rack stresses straining or wrenching <a body racked by pain>.


taunt  a sarcastic諷刺性的 challenge or insult  辱罵;嘲笑

snick  to perform a light cutting action 輕切

ape  MIMIC b : a large uncouth person

gutter  排水溝

tilt  to cause to have an inclination

scraggy ROUGH, JAGGED; also : SCRAGGLY 凸凹不平的

reverie DAYDREAM

infidel  a : an unbeliever with respect to a particular religion b : one who acknowledges no religious belief

fetus 胎兒

eject to throw out especially by physical force, authority, or influence <ejected the player from the game>

stifle  to kill by depriving of oxygen  stifling 令人窒息的 LeBron James couldn't solve San Antonio's stifling defense and the pick-and-rolling Spurs

「In older patients with heart failure from isolated diastolic dysfunction, does

adding digoxin to standard diuretic and ACE inhibitor treatment yield enough

reduction in morbidity and/or mortality to be worth its adverse effects?」

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