
English 5

causality  [] 因果關係  (formal) the relationship between sth that happens and the reason for it happening
serene  She was always calm and serene.安詳的;穩重的   He was gazing at the serene sky.晴朗的,無雲的
the squeaking of bark beetles and the whine of mosquitoes
steer  to control the direction in which a boat, car, etc. moves: [vn] He steered the boat into the harbour. 掌(船)舵,駕駛[O]
(of a boat, car, etc.) to move in a particular direction: [vn] The ship steered a course between the islands.
serenity : the quality or state of being serene  晴朗,風和日麗[U]He was always a cool man; nothing could disturb his serenity.沉著
glassy : resembling or made of glass  glassy water  光亮透明的,玻璃似的
intermingle  ~ (A) (with B)| ~ A and B (formal) to mix people, ideas, colors, etc. together; to be mixed in this way: [vn] The book intermingles fact with fiction. * The book intermingles fact and fiction.
premise    He acted on the premise that he was absolutely right.假定,假設;前提[C][(+that)]
antecedent to = prior to  That was antecedent to this event.
setting 環境 Graduates have obtained jobs in a variety of settings, e.g., clinical, academic, and industry
conceivable  It is conceivable that they knew about it beforehand.可想到的,可想像的;可理解的;
conceive of :imagine
assimilate  It's not easy to assimilate so many ideas. 吸收(知識等);理解
embark +on/upon to start to do sth new or difficult: She is about to embark on a diplomatic career. They embarked on a campaign to get people to vote.從事,著手
populace [] They represented only a fraction of the general populace. 人口,全體居民
stagnant  not advancing or developing <a stagnant economy> 停滯的
How long has that man been at the helm?(政府、組織等的)領導地位
downside  有下降趨勢的 a downside trend
pact : compact; especially : an international treaty  This led to a non-aggression pact between the two countries. 契約.條約 a pact with the devil
rigid  嚴格的rigid, rigorous, strict, stringent mean extremely severe or stern. rigid implies uncompromising inflexibility <rigid rules of conduct>. rigorous implies the imposition of hardship and difficulty <the rigorous training of recruits>. strict emphasizes undeviating conformity to rules, standards, or requirements <strict enforcement of the law>. stringent suggests severe, tight restriction or limitation <stringent standards of admission>.
: precise and accurate in procedure <rigid control of the manufacturing process> 精密的
devoid  devoid of flexibility The house is totally devoid of furniture.  缺乏的,沒有的
deter  :to prevent or discourage something  Failure did not deter him from trying again.
vouch (for) 擔保,作證I can vouch for the reliability of the machines.
Moderator 主席   speaker    handout
redemption  redemption of jewelry 贖回   The redemption of the sinners is not easy.  the act of saving from the power of evil
idiom beyond / past re'demption too bad to be saved or improved
redeem  He redeemed his watch from pawn.
traumatic  【醫】外傷的;創傷(性)的  ligament  韌帶  tendon 肌腱 cartilage 軟骨
collegiate  [] 大學的;大學生的
orthopedic []surgery  骨科
shear []剪,修剪  (formal) to cut off sb's hair: shorn hair. :to cut the wool off a sheep: It was time for the sheep to be shorn.

subsidy  津貼,補助金 

子女教育補助費 children education subsidy 生活津貼 living allowances  結婚補助 wedding subsidy

awe 敬畏,畏怯  He gazed at her in awe.  He refused to be awed by the threatening letters.

dwell  居住  They dwelt in London for two years.

dissuade 勸阻  I dissuaded him from rushing in to submit his resignation.
sheer  全然的  She fainted from sheer weariness.
weary  He looked a little weary. 疲倦的,疲勞的[(+with)] It was a long, weary journey. 使人疲倦的;使人厭煩的
salute [] 向...致敬,向...行禮  We salute the flag everyday at school.
spine 脊椎 [] His spine developed a slight curve.
thrifty  [] 節儉的  She is a thrifty housekeeper.
threshold  起始的門檻,開端,門檻He had never crossed the threshold of a bar before.
clan  [] 家族,宗族  He's from the Campbell clan.
inlet  [] 入口  There's only one inlet to the parking lot.
oar 漿  He pulled on the oars to make the boat go faster.
pamphlet [] 小冊子  They issued a pamphlet concerning the worsening environment.
rack  架,掛物架  The racks were crowded with new clothes.
flesh  肉,肌肉  Lions are flesh-eating animals.  (果實的)果肉;(蔬菜的)葉肉 The flesh of the peach was sweet and juicy.
appropriate  私佔,侵佔  The manager was found to have appropriated store money.
belly  肚子,腹部  the part of the body below the chest syn stomach    abdominal 腹部的
extrapolate  推斷  The figures were obtained by extrapolating from past trends.
rigorous also:precise  精確的; 嚴厲的
discern  辨別,看出,識別(recognize)  He discerned her plan immediately.  He was just able to discern the road in the dark.
gracious and humble  親切的 謙遜的
proliferate  (使)增殖;(使)激增;(使)擴散  The rapid proliferation of biomedical text makes it...

legitimate  合法的,合理的 He is the legitimate heir to the property.  He had a legitimate reason for being late
A,B,C and D are the top contenders for the...
fiance  [] 未婚夫
squeeze  榨,擠,壓,擰 He squeezed the tube hard and the last bit of toothpaste came out.  緊握 squeeze one's hand
: to reduce the amount of <squeezes profits> Climbing cost of cotton squeezes mill profits.
stockbroker  股票(或證券)經紀人
evict  : to force out : expel 逐出  to evict the tenant [] 承租人,房客
a very weak contender
cubicle  : a small partitioned space; especially : one with a desk used for work in a business office  工作的小隔間
fallback  可以依靠的東西  I like..., but ...'s my fallback. kind of back up              ex. fallback plan
abdomen  []腹部  abdominal
plural  []
wade  : to move or proceed with difficulty or labor <wade through the crowd> <wade through all the evidence>  The lawyer had to wade through all the files.艱難地前進;費力地做完[(+through)]
exaggerate  He exaggerated the importance of the event.
.... are numbered. 有限  The days of this company are numbered.
you will get answers in a flash by googling it.  in a flash :quickly or suddenly
hyphen 連字號"-"  tilde "~"
adore  崇拜,崇敬;敬重 People adore him for his noble character.  
: to be very fond of <adores pecan pie> 極喜歡  adored his wife 愛慕,熱愛
nascent  :coming or having recently come into existence <a nascent middle class> <her nascent singing career> 初期的,發展中的
amputation  []to remove by or as if by cutting; especially : to cut (as a limb) from the body 截肢
crab  蟹[C];蟹肉[U]  stiff neck   coral reef 珊瑚礁 reef 暗礁
mirage []海市蜃樓   caravan = trailer 拖車  trolley = shopping cart  wheat 小麥  peanut 花生
gratitude  : the state of being grateful : thankfulness  She felt an immense gratitude to Wilson.
barf = throw up = vomit
He is in the first place in the world. 全球第一
I don't know what the heck he's talking about.
I think you went too far.  玩笑開的過火  I didn't mean for this to happen.
There is no way ....  no way = impossible
Jeez! Can't he take a joke?  in 6th degrade.   when you reach your full potiential...
The crowd is not affecting him one bit!  maybe you underestimated him
I see a huge wall before me, and I don't know if I'll be able to overcome it.
I am just not in the mood.
you've got a point.你說對了
peel :skin of fruit, vegetables, etc.   peeler :device for peeling
oat燕麥片  coconut 椰子  milky乳白色的  wholegrain  全麥的
seal sth :close tightly or put a substance to stop gas or fluid entering or escaping. The jar must be well sealed.
stir sth :move a spoon, etc round and round in order to mix it throughly.
rinse  :wash slightly    greasy :covered with grease油脂
squash : press or squeeze (sb/sth) flat or into a pulp(黏漿狀物質,果泥,菜泥); crush
sooth  []: relieve, alleviate <soothe a cough>
replenish   : to fill or build up again <replenished his glass>   replenish my bottle
desalinate  []  remove salt from...    
galosh 高統橡皮套鞋  first aid kit ; deep fried  ;  doors open inward  ; unleaded = lead-free  ;  pedestrian
hang on  = hold on  ; dying for...  ;  switch it off  ;  generous   ;  generosity
for lease   ;   tenant  ;  no reception here.沒訊號
provoke  If you provoke the dog, he may bite you. 激怒,對...挑釁 = irritate
deluxe : []notably luxurious, elegant, or expensive <a deluxe edition> <deluxe hotels> deluxe food
insatiable  (for sth) that cannot be satisfied; very greedy   <insatiable for profits> They are insatiable of profits.
shipwreck  海難  spin off 副加效果   novice or seasoned
dim  : not bright   <a dim corridor>
ailing  :[]unwell; ill <she helps take care of her ailing aunt>  lying on the beach

solitary :alonesyn single He formed the habit of taking long solitary walks through the streets.
desolation []the feeling of being very lonely and unhappy: Her death left him with a terrible sense of desolation. Her desolation is greater now that the children are away.寂寞,孤寂
breed  They used to breed fish in the reservoir.飼養
biscuit  [] 餅乾  tongs  夾子
rhyme  韻,韻腳
rip to tear sth or to become torn, often suddenly or violently:撕,扯,剝 She ripped the letter open.
steam  精力;氣力 He had little steam left in him after a hard day's work.
moult=molt   (of a bird or an animal) to lose feathers or hair before new feathers or hair grow
mate  (BrE, informal) a friend: They've been best mates since school.  A male bird sings to attract a mate. 配偶
chick 小雞,小鳥
intrude  ~ (into / on / upon sb/sth) to go or be somewhere where you are not wanted or are not supposed to be: I'm sorry to intrude, but I need to talk to someone.Don't intrude in a family dispute.
pouch  A kangaroo carries its young in a pouch.  小袋(錢袋,菸草袋)a small bag, usually made of leather, and often carried in a pocket or attached to a belt: a tobacco pouch * She kept her money in a pouch around her neck.
incubate (of a bird) to sit on its eggs in order to keep them warm until they hatch 孵卵,孵化
hostile  懷敵意的;不友善的[(+to)]: The speaker got a hostile reception from the audience. * She was openly hostile towards her parents.
reciprocal [ * Anita had a reciprocal arrangement協定 with her brother—each would take care of the other's children if the need arose. 互惠的,對等的
colony [] India was once a British colony.
petrol 汽油 petrel  []  海燕
akin  : essentially similar, related, or compatible <his interests are akin to mine>
acronym  首字母縮略字  synonym 同義字
There are two ..., the A and the B. The former ... The latter ...
plausible  : superficially表面上地 fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious []華而不實的,冒似真實的 <a plausible pretext 藉口>
John left early under the pretext of illness.
dearth   an inadequate supply : lack <a dearth of evidence>
funnel  漏斗 []  Fill a bottle with water through a funnel.
winnow   narrow, reduce <winnowed the field to four contenders>  [] 精選,除去
denominator  分母
nimble   : quick and exact either in movement or thoughts: agile <nimble fingers>
ergonomics  []人體工學   in person 親自.meet you in person.
iron out  : to resolve or work out a solution to <ironed out their differences/ the errors.>
whittle  : to reduce, remove, or destroy gradually as if by cutting off bits with a knife : pare <whittle down expenses> Profits are whittled down by the ever-rising cost of energy.削減,削弱[(+away/down)]
hedge  : a means of protection or defense (as against financial loss)  防護,保衛
n finance, a hedge is an investment that is taken out specifically to reduce or cancel out the risk in another investment.
Hedging is a strategy
designed to minimize exposure to an unwanted business risk, while still
allowing the business to profit from an investment activity.
financing options = payment plans
appease   : to bring to a state of peace or quiet : calm  appease dissatisfied customers平息;緩和
heretofore  迄今為止adv.Heretofore, doctors have tried low fat diets to reduce the cholesterol in the blood.
fraud He was found guilty of fraud.  That man was a fraud.
inadvertently  : not focusing the mind on a matter : inattentive不留心地
: unintentional <an inadvertent omission>l非故意地,
advertent  giving attention : heedful  [] 留心的,密切注意的

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