
English 7


gauze 紗布
meticulous  嚴密的;一絲不苟的
spurious 假的,偽造的
compact  His uncle is a man of compact build. 緊密的,結實的
contradiction  There seems to be a contradiction between her words and actions. 矛盾
accredited  公認的
ripe  The time is ripe for a new foreign policy. 時機成熟的
canvass They canvassed voters for the Republicans.向...遊說
dissolve  They dissolved their marriage.  The committee was dissolved. 解散;使終結
inception  開始,開端,起初
array + of The government is beset with a complex array of economic problems. : an imposing group : large number <faced a whole array of problems>; also : variety, assortment <a broad array of styles>  一批;一系列;大量
– 世代研究 (cohort studies)
– 病例對照研究 (case case-control studies)
psychiatric 精神病(學)的
contingent  dependent on or conditioned by sth else :The time of his arrival is contingent on the weather.
: likely but not certain to happen : possible 可能的
: happening by chance or unforeseen causes 偶然發生的
contain  the government should not contain the rising of oil price 遏制
intrinsic  ~ (to sth) belonging to or part of the real nature of sth/sb: 固有的,本身的 difficulties that are intrinsic to such a situation
a man's intrinsic worth
set forth 
Is this condition set forth in the agreement?  提出

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